Heart Safe Rhythms Newsletter
Available for Download
June 2021
Stryker Recall of LifePak CR2 AEDs
Protocols following an AED Use
Delay on Supplies for LifePak CR+ AEDs
January 2021
Thoughts about the Coronavirus vaccine from our Medical Director, Dr. David Hughes
Status of Classes
Meet Kaylie!
CR+ AEDs have been discontinued
July 2020
COVID-19 and Bystander CPR/AED
CR+ AEDs have been discontinued
Stryker Safety Notice for LifePak 500s
New CPR Training Guidelines
April 2020
Citizen CPR for Adults and Children with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19
January 2020
This is a good deal! Please do not pass it up.
Heart Safe La Plata News
Another HSLP AED Save!
Man requires helicopter rescue after heart attack
Award Ceremony to Celebrate 8 AED Saves in 2017
Scott Sholes, Augusta Moore, Brett Sherman, Bill Koons, Doug Close, Amy Knight, Dr. David Hughes, James Lane, Barbara Lawson, Erika Sansoni, Craig Marcum, Zach Earles, Jerad Bussell, Erin Ganley, Nick Stasi, Matthew Dufva, and Cody Hawman. (Not present but also life savers were Dawn Marie Lawson, David Haralson, Chris Ziegler, Annie Trebelhorn, Michelle Martinez, and Juan Gallegos.)
Winner 2009 Heart Safe Community Award PAD Program, Small Community
The International Association of Fire Chiefs, Emergency Medical Section and Physio-Control, Inc. have awarded us with the 2009 Heart Safe Community Award PAD Program, Small Community. Since 2001, the IAFC EMS had been recognizing fire service-based organizations that have used creative approaches to implement or maintain public access defibrillation programs within the communities they serve.
On May 5, 2009, the Board of Heart Safe La Plata attended the Fire Rescue-Med conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, to receive their award. Scott Sholes described our program this way:
Those of us in EMS often see our communities from a different perspective than the average citizen. We experience the realities of drug and alcohol abuse, family violence, seatbelt use, which intersections are the most dangerous, where the pedestrians get hit. And we also understand the limitations of our own EMS systems.
I believe successful PAD programs depend very much on our ability to get community members to see sudden cardiac arrest from our perspective. In fact, we often have the uncomfortable task of exchanging the public's expectations for reality. This includes the fact that we simply cannot do this without them.
For this reason, this award is not about Heart Safe La Plata, or Durango Fire & Rescue, Upper Pine River Fire, Los Pinos Fire, Fort Lewis Mesa Fire. This award is about an entire community—the agencies, businesses, and individuals alike—embracing the program and committing to saving lives by working together.
Without the stunning response by the Durango area community, this hard working board here with me could not be successful. I would like to tell you about two areas in which our community really took us by surprise.
First has been our ability to cover multiple addresses with each AED placed. As we began entering addresses into our dispatch CAD system, community members asked us to allow them to respond to their neighbors. That grew into system in which 200 AEDs cover around 11 hundred addresses in the CAD system, and that's not to mention the roving units such as with law enforcement, and various industry vehicles.
The second surprise was our success in gaining financial buy-in for every unit placed—even when using grant funds. I can tell you, we've certainly had to work harder when asking for at least half the cost of each unit, but we've been able to place twice the number of units for the money and created a more lasting and sustainable program. Today, every location has trained and committed citizen responders.
On behalf of a very honored Heart Safe La Plata Board, La Plata County's Fire Agencies and EMS Council and the community of Durango Colorado, we thank the IAFC EMS Section and Physio-Control for this recognition.